Filtering by: conversations

community dialogue: navigating career ambition & identity as an asian-american
6:00 PM18:00

community dialogue: navigating career ambition & identity as an asian-american

what happens when an asian kid doesn’t want to be a lawyer, engineer, or doctor? in an interactive conversation facilitated by seher, attendees and speakers trisha sakhuja-walia, cassandra lam, shahana hanif, and raquel undheim will be invited to explore how we navigate cultural expectations and career ambitions with grace and commitment to our personal truths.

***this event is open only to members of the wing and their guests***

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identity complex: instagram for the modern artist
11:45 AM11:45

identity complex: instagram for the modern artist

a hybrid of lecture, personal inquiry exercises, and group discussion on the intersection of instagram, addiction, identity, and art.

an exploration that will both identify challenges and imagine solutions.

***this is a private workshop for a parsons studio art class***

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